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Ancient Winds [Instrumental]

 02. Here I Am Called back in time by the ancient winds Can’t you recall all the memories? Walking the lost way of those who lived In loneliness

 Think of the joy and the endless days One step aside and the skies were grey Is this a life or just a game to lose or win?

 Cause a day will turn into night And the spirits will rise There will come then a time to understand… Deep inside

 Blessed by the rain falling from above Could you imagine where life would take you Now that you’re praying for everyone you hurt so bad?

 Still, don’t you go, got to make a choice Crying in silence, crying with no voice Dare you to stay now and keep your strength Up till the end?…

 Cause a day will turn into night And the spirits will rise Hold your breath, keep your eyes wide open

 Now you see: the night is so clear And you feel: the spirits are here Running free, running free without fear, You’ll find a way To the brightest light…

 And now Here I am, open arms Thought your life was over when There you saw in the sky A ray of light, So here I am

 Will the stars keep shining bright Till one day they may ignite? When you gaze at the sky above, I’ll ever come down To ease your solitude…

 And now Here I am, open arms Thought your life was over when There you saw in the sky A ray of light, So here I am

 There you saw in the sky A ray of light Always by your side There will come a time to understand…!

 03. Distant Thunder Dark signs of evil Float in the skyline Fels like a storm Is getting closer

 Two grey smoky clouds arise Inside your black eyes Day after day and still You wonder

 How to overcome it all And never lose the hope…

 Master of darkness Brewed up a potion Over eternal flame That’s burning high

 You taste of the beverage And dance all the night long But like everyday, There comes a sunrise…

 How to overcome it all And never lose the hope Heading for tomorrow A break along the walk To raise your head and go on…

 Hear the call of A distant thunder There’s a voice in the sky Evening falls weighing On your shoulders Like your feelings inside…

 04. For Tomorrow Long ago, the world was one We walked through the ice floes To an unenduring land Our future, our hope There was something in the air, The Age of the Unknown Far beyond the sea of trees The vision laid close

 There’s a place where the sun shines beighter There’s a mountain that climbs to the stars…

 Day and night we built a reign With heavenly desire Sweat and dreams made up the bricks That raised up our walls

 Paying tribute to the gods And blood kept on flowing And the lust for knowledge Was the sense of it all

 Fly, fly to the stars, Reach them on high Bring back the answers of the night Roll with the clouds, Sing with the birds, ‘Cos one day we’ll have to say goodbye!

 Here we go, carrying no longer sorrow Standing up in the wind Walk along, marching on for tomorrow In this neverending way

 Many years of harmony The message arrived soon Three big stars lined up together A chill in the air…

 The high-priest was dressed in black On top of the stairways Longing for the sacrifice Of those who would dare

 Fly, fly to the stars Then let it fall Into the emptiness of night Our time has come Time to move on ‘Cos one day we have to say goodbye…

 Here we go, carrying no longer sorrow Standing up in the wind Walk along, marching on for tomorrow In this neverending way

 Come with me to Paradise Let’s return again, Let’s return again!

 To be closer to the skies Living on a dream, Living on a dream…

 Here we go, carrying no longer sorrow Standing up in the wind Walk along, marching on for tomorrow In this neverending way

 05. Time Will Come Times are coming back When nights are getting longer And I can read the promise In your mind To yourself again, that you will Play the strong one But you burn inside, bleed inside - And you remain the same!

 Someday you’ll be gone Where to, you’ll never know… See you there!

 Should you fall apart, Should you remain entire Now that I can breathe Inside your dreams Laugh into your face, Set yourself on fire, Burn inside, bleed inside - Tell me how it feels…

 The time will come When I’ll be there forever To take your soul And make you part of me So, take care…

 (You’ll never be the same…)

 The time will come When I’ll be there forever To take your soul And make you part of me So, take care…

 06. Over Your Head The sands of gold are falling From the sky tonight The sound, a million voices screaming out The prophecy has moved on with the stars And now I know that I could be the chosen one

 Oh, the desert breeze had turned to such A storm that night And in my dream I nearly saw his face again Waving me up to come closer to his tent Can’t control myself, I’m needing his embrace

 Looking up over your head

 Put on my suit, like any other morning time I washed my face in purest water Got brand new shoes - it’s good to feel That you’re alive But life will get along to something Larger than me!

 Looking up over your head -I wanna tear thorugh the sky Looking up over your head -And be the very first to die Looking up over your head -One thousand miles and I’ll be there Looking up over your head -Just when you look over your head

 Over your head, inside your mind Visions you’ve had keep passing by Don’t be afraid, face it instead. Looking up over your head!

 07. Fairy Tale Fairy lady, who stands on the walls Life is short and wait is long The stars, away, dim with the dawn… Fairy lady, who stands on the walls

 Your tale has only begun It comes from far, the Nowhereland The wind is blowing a sound well known… Fairy lady, your love is long gone

 Oh darling, hear my soul and heed my cry Cause all my crying may flood A river in my heart

 Oh, life is good, Oh, life is good, Oh, life is good… As good as you wish!

 Pretty lady, the horses are back Bringing joy and happiness But all of a sudden the horses are gone It was only the sound Of your heartbeat alone!

 Oh darling, hear my soul and heed my cry Cause all my crying may flood A river in my heart

 Oh, life is good, Oh, life is good, Oh, life is good… As good as a kiss!

 Oh my darling, now I cannot Halt my cries My tears have drowned me And I refuse to realise

 What’s left around me, It’s all so strange, It’s all so dark I’m all alone here To mend the pieces of my heart

 Little lady, your tale has an end For your love to the skies was sent He’s turned into sparks That shine with the stars…

 …And by night he will always be there For his lady to stare And thus he’s never died.

 08. Blind Spell From the day you took me home I knew I was not alone And all the pain I had seemed to be gone

 Running backwards to the edge, Things I don’t dare to confess You’ve locked my secrets in a blind spell…

 Oh, never leave me Never walk away There’s a spell on me that, for me, Could spell the end

 If your feelings fall apart And you can’t sustain your heart It’s time to realise what you really are

 Oh, please believe me I’ve been so ashamed Take your spell from me, it could drive me To the end

 Sometimes we run, Sometimes we hide inside a hole and fade away We turn to stone And let the weather carve its traces To open your eyes one day…

 Should I throw myself in the oceans of time? Without you will I ever dare to survive?

 Sometimes we run, Sometimes we hide inside a hole and fade away We turn to stone And let the weather carve its traces To open your eyes one day…

 Help me, help me to open my eyes someday…

 09. Ritual Holy fire burns again The Magic Circle is all around it Burning like the innocence of love Let the mist surround it

 Spinning like the Fortune Wheel Hand into hand, we pray together Visions of a future world appear As the holy fire burns

 And a face is there From the smoke a face is rising Ancient, like the reason of life

 Get your body close to mine There is a Ritual longing for us Such a thing you await For all your life Let yourself surrender now

 And a face is there From the fire a face is rising Mystic, like the reason of life

 Holy Flame, The Ritual yearns without you Understand, The Mystery lies about you Once again the fate has Crossed our ways As the fire burns away…

 Hold on Cause I need you And I want to know What took so long… And your Fortune, You just need to understand!

 Holy Fire burning on Closing the Circle back together Once around and coming evr more Just to start all over

 And a face is there From the fire a face is rising Magic, like the reason of life

 Holy Flame, The Ritual yearns without you Understand, The Mystery lies about you Once again the fate has Crossed our ways As the fire burns and once again The fate has crossed our ways As the fire burns away…!

 10. Pride Somedays I wish to run away Fall in the world and stray, My life is turning, turning

 But when there’s nowhere else to go Pray to the Lord, my soul, My heart is burning, burning

 You betray yourself When you think That you’re someone else

 Someday I’ll understand my dreams So deep inside And then I’m free again to leave The pain behind Right here in my hand Feelings I can’t hide Someday I’m gone away with nothing But my pride

 Somedays I wish to run away Fall in the world and stray, My life is turning, turning

 But when there’s nowhere else to go Pray to the Lord, my soul, My heart is burning, burning

 You forgive yourself When you know That you’re someone else…

 Someday I’ll understand my dreams So deep inside And then I’m free again to leave The pain behind Right here in my hand Feelings I can’t hide Someday I’m gone away with nothing But my pride

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