Solstar Communications Music Depot

Earth Music to Heal and Inspire

SHAMAN is a Celtic and World music oriented musical group with their own blend of music to raise ecological and social awareness which they call "Earth Music". To date they have released 5 albums of recorded music under the Indie label, Solstar Communications. The name SHAMAN was chosen (trademarked in 1990) by founder Brahm Stuart to assist in his mission to communicate for unseen forces of other dimensions to humanity. Brahm, along with many other great musicians recorded the SHAMAN albums featured here in the early 90s seeking to help raise awareness of the need to change social consciousness due to the ecological peril that we are in, and to accept a new paradigm of loving appreciation and acceptance and good vibrations for all living beings.

MYSTIC MINSTRELS is the latest incarnation of Brahm's Renaissance Faire band with Catalina Colibri the Harpist on harp and percussion. Guitarist in these recordings playing with the Mystic Minstrels is Terry McCann.

Please visit the Solstar Communications MP3 Store where you can purchase music by Shaman, Mystic Minstrels and Brahm Stuart's first solo album Flight to the Crossroads.


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