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Turn Away You touched yourself with fire Touching someone else Your well is dry, you cry out In search of more success You left your thoughts in darkness And one day they’ll return Some other kind of lesson would be good to learn

 Don’t get all down on me Don’t ever turn away!

 Break trough your barriers Sharpened, diamond-cut Again you’re trapped in lies Or simply misunderstood?

 Just tell me what you need now To be that someone else Is that another desire? It will be your last?

 Don’t get all down on me Don’t ever turn away!

 Leave me alone Seeds now are raised and grown Guide me today Then turn away

 Leave me alone Seeds now are raised and grown Play me today Use me, then turn away

 Don’t get all down on me Don’t ever turn away!

 Leave me alone Seeds now are raised and grown Guide me today Then turn away

 02. Reason Strange how summer blossoms Blew away so late this year Falling from above, soft as snow All around you

 The days, I’d like to bring back Side by side with you And peer trough that old black window And see red-blue skies so near, but

 Say the word And I’ll be ready to make a sacrifice Stay - Don’t turn around There’s only one reason

 All my life I wished I was here Looking for a chance to cry out All the pain that turned me into stone And thoughts that haunt me day by day

 The word is ‘now’ I’m ready to make my sacrifice Pray - Imagine all the things That I never talked about Stay - Don’t turn around You’re the only one

 Won’t you save me, take me away There’s no more reason to hide Try to make a stand It’s not only tears in my eyes Somewhere I’m all alone… without you

 [Woman speaking] Flowers of light descend As the twilight strangles the sky May I, in this vast world Ever find another soul To contemplate my silence, forever…

 Won’t you save me, take me away I’ve felt so lost as I’ve tried Hold me, help me stand Don’t mind the tears in my eyes Someday we’ll pass away Is there a time to go by? Take a breath and smile Fortune is to be alive

 For apparently no reason

 03. More [originally by The Sisters Of Mercy]

 Some people get by with a little understanding some people get by with a whole lot more I don’t know why you gotta be so undemanding one thing I know I want more I want more

 (and I need all the love that I can’t get to) (and I need all the love I can get) (and I need all the love that I can’t get to)

 D’you get scared to feel so much? To let somebody touch you? So hot, so cold, so far so out of control Hard to come by, and harder to hold

 Some people get by with a little understanding some people get by with a whole lot more I don’t know why you gotta be so undemanding I want more (and I need all the love I can get) (and I need all the love that I can’t get to) (and I need all the love I can get) (and I need all the love that I can’t get to)

 There are parts of me that don’t get nervous not the parts that shake you won’t get what you deserve you are what you take learning to cry for fun and profit I’m not done yet counterfeit dollars or the English zloty anything I can get

 Some people get by with a little understanding some people get by with a whole lot more I don’t know why you gotta be so undemanding one thing I know I want more

 (and I need all the love I can get) (and I need all the love that I can’t get to) (and I need all the love I can get) (and I need all the love that I can’t get to)

 All the love that you can get all the love that I can’t get to

 04. Innocence I woke today Inside the train of dreams the rain poured down in black and white I stood and stared the rest of what remains My own world crumbling around (a wild world crumbling around)

 I held my tears One day comes after another

 the falling rain caressed my skin again just let it flow to wash away the time gone by feeling long denied my heart is no more bounded in vain (in pain)

 and now its clear one day leads on to another I dried my tears (cried my tears) there’s so much else to discover somewhere…

 I hear the sound Of thousand voices I lost my innocence I’m on my way Across the desert To rescue what I sent Out of my heart and way

 Now it’s clear One day leads on to another To find our fears Find the way back to each other


 I hear the sound Of thousand voices I lost my innocence I’m on my way Across the desert To rescue what I sent Out of my heart…

 I hear the sound f thousand voices I lost my innocence and I’m on my way across the desert to rescue what i sent out of my heart and way

 05. Scarred Forever There’s a chance for you and me Further away from this believe When the prayers reach the sky Cause I know man that you will cry no more

 Run, running away, falling apart Thunder of fate colliding

 Everyday I see your face Through my empty I met this grace When it’s cracking up inside Cause I know man that you will cry no more

 Run, running away, falling apart Fear of the heart now turning two Shadows of day out in the dark Fury scarred forever

 And always empty nights are left behind Always the moment is right you can’t deny your faith Deny your faith

 [Guitar solo]

 The hatefull lair disturbs the sky It’s time to say goodbye Along the way a wishing well Turn off the light let us have Our last goodbye and then

 Run, running away, falling apart Fear of the heart of turning two Shadows of day out in the dark Fury scarred forever

 Always empty nights are left behind Always the moment is right you can’t deny your faith Deny your faith Deny your faith

 06. In The Night

 In the night, realm of dreams Wildness creed, descending All so quiet, all so still Prowling in silence in the night

 In the heights, on the peaks Rainy clouds surrounding There are cities made of light Ripping through the black of night

 All becomes so real Making dreams come true To release your mind and free your soul

 Fly away from this land Made of old scraps of sorrow No way back, free to ride Hesitation, sacrifice

 Mesmerize, hold on tight Fur the heavens bend down There’s a tunnel, long and winding Leading on towards the light

 All become so real Making dreams come true To release your mind and free your soul

 Free yourself from misery, let go Hear my voice and I will guide your roaming

 [Guitar solo]

 Oh, free yourself from misery, let go Hear my voice and I will light your road Leave behind the world you know, and float Hear my voice and I will guide your roaming

 07. Rough Stone Flowing down inside the stream Blowing all around Like another day of spring Spreading out through the ground

 Changing seasons come and go Before and after life And the sun will set again Bringing out the darkest night

 Only made to disappear? Life’s a rough stone And the future, unclear

 Wait for the day of your life That you will meet the unknown There’s nowhere else to go Wait for the truth, not a lie It will meet you alone End of all illusion

 Only made to disappear? Life’s a rough stone And the future, right here So much pain, suffering and strife Mystery of death Brings a new man to life

 08. Iron Soul Look around, what do you see? Caught up in humility? Too many souls are on their own Fallen angels moving on

 There’s more to get, more to find Feelings of another kind The choice is set, take it soon For even you won’t be immune now

 I’d count it a miracle If I ever see your smile Throw away your illusions, dear Don’t keep trusting your own lies

 Who’s in command of your heart? Of your hope? Past thoughts are vague As they soar high and low

 Yet someday, still alive You will find a will to strive For someone else will come along To lift you up, to right the wrong

 And you will see within your eyes Figures that comes back to life You’ll touch the wounds that never heal Love is raw, it’s not for real

 I’d count it a miracle If I ever see your smile Throw away your illusions, dear Let me hold you for a while

 Who’s in command of your heart, of your hope? Past thoughts are vague, running out of control

 There was a time when the fields were green The world was one, life was filled with something There was a blue sea, on the horizon There was a dream of a lasting fire We bottomed out, life’s become so cruel Along the way, a regardless torment Is there a cause that we would die for? Is there a place where the spirit lives on?

 Who’s in command of your heart, of your hope? Past thoughts are vague, running out of control There’s more to know and there’s much more beyond The faith that you’ve lost you will find on your own

 09. Trail Of Tears Not for a day Not for a while You run alone you never satisfied Oh you’ve been dreaming for a hundred years

 So you begin To understand That your lifetime is running through your hands Oh! Will forgive you for this Trail of tears

 There you go out

 Someone to know Easy to find Full feel your hearts will blew of many kinds Only will change it for its train of shore

 There you go Hearing voices and noises to go There you stand Back in time every hour once begin There you walk and then…

 After a shock Time to recompose No bleeding heart “So the screamings that you feel”

 Oh! Will forgive you for this Trail of tears

 There you go Hearing voices and noises to go There you stand Back in time every hour once begin There you walk, my friend!

 10. Born To Be I looked inside me To find myself To purify me To cease the pain

 [chorus:] Across that river A life goes by Look inside the mirror And you will find out

 In solitude I was born It terrified me A veil of mist right before my eyes

 I walked in shadows I drowned in rain I met the desert and I’m born again


 In solitude I was born It crucified me Wearing a crown of thorns

 I am free now, born to be a man Emptiness made me understand What lay hidden deep within

 I am free now, born to be the man Loveliness brushed away the sand From what’s hidden deep within Shapeless dream without a name Wrapped in frozen layers of life Sings the song of what we all are

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