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1.25em;}:where({gap: 1.25em;} :where({gap: 2em;}:where({gap: 2em;} .wp-block-pullquote{font-size: 1.5em;line-height: 1.6;}      /* */          ( function() { window.onpageshow = function( event ) { // Defined window.wpforms means that a form exists on a page. // If so and back/forward button has been clicked, // force reload a page to prevent the submit button state stuck. if ( typeof window.wpforms !== 'undefined' && event.persisted ) { } }; }() );           Home Loja Notícias Agenda Biografia Discografia Fotos Videos Contato              Open Menu  Home Loja Notícias Agenda Biografia Discografia Fotos Videos Contato       $(function() { $( '#dl-menu' ).dlmenu(); });                                                 Discografia Rescue (2022)         01. Tribute (Intro) 02. Time Is Running Out 03. The “I” Inside 04. Don’t Let It Rain 05. Where Are You Now? 06. The Spirit 07. Gone Too Soon 08. The Boundaries Of Heaven 09. Brand New Me 10. What If? 11. The Final Rescue 12. Resilience (Faixa bônus exclusiva para o Brasil) Gravado em vários estúdios de São Paulo e produzido de maneira remota na Alemanha pelo conceituado Sascha Paeth, o novo álbum do Shaman será o primeiro com o vocalista Alírio Netto ao lado de Hugo Mariutti (guitarra), Luis Mariutti (baixo), Ricardo Confessori (bateria) e Fábio Ribeiro (teclado).

  Reason (2005)   

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    01. Turn Away (Hugo Mariutti) 02. Reason (Hugo Mariutti) 03. More (The Sisters of Mercy cover) (Eldritch, Steinman) 04. Innocence (Andre Matos) 05. Scarred Forever (Andre Matos, Hugo Mariutti) 06. In the Night (Ricardo Confessori) 07. Rough Stone (Luis Mariutti) 08. Iron Soul (Ricardo Confessori) 09. Trail of Tears (Andre Matos) 10. Born to Be (Andre Matos, Hugo Mariutti)

 Recorded at Creative Studios, Nossoestudio & Fast Auditorium, São Paulo.

 Arranged By [Keyboard And Orchestral Arrangements], Programmed By [Keyboard Programming By] – Miro (3) Art Direction – Andre Matos, Rodrigo Cruz Artwork, Cover, Design [Booklet Design], Illustration [Digital Illustrations] – Rodrigo Cruz Backing Vocals [Additional Backing Vocals], Musical Assistance [Lyrical Assistance & Coaching], Narrator – Amanda Somerville Bass – Luis Mariutti Co-producer – Philip Colodetti Conductor [Orchestral Conducting], Arranged By [Additional Orchestral Arrangements] – Eduardo ‘Dudu’ Souza* Drums – Ricardo Confessori Effects – Junior Rossetti, Miro Engineer – Eduardo Avellar, Evandro Lopes, Glenn Zolotar, Luizinho Mazzei, Philip Colodetti, Ricardo Nagata, Sascha Paeth Guitar – Hugo Mariutti Keyboards [Additional Keyboards] – Hugo Mariutti, Junior Rossetti Lyrics By – Andre Matos (tracks: 1, 2, 4 to 10) Mastered By – Philip Colodetti, Sascha Paeth Mixed By – Sascha Paeth Orchestra – The São Paulo State Symphony Ensemble Organ [Hammond] – Fabio Ribeiro Other [Modelling By] – Fernanda Gussen Photography By – Jerome Sainte-Rose Photography [Assisted By] – Ana Claudia Ó Connor, Claudia Odorissio, Jaime Leme, Priscila Bueno Producer – Sascha Paeth, Shaaman* Sitar, Tabla – Helder Araujo Songwriter – Shaaman* (tracks: 1, 2, 4 to 10) Technician [Engineering Assisted By] – Carla Poppovic, Daniel Arroyos, Jose Carlos dos Anjos Violin [Five-string Electric And Classic], Cello, Strings [Indian Dioruba And Rabbab] – Marcus Viana Vocals, Keyboards, Piano – Andre Matos

  Ritualive (2003)     Recorded at Credicard Hall, São Paulo, on April 5th, 2003.

 CD 01. Ancient Winds 02. Here I Am 03. Distant thunder 04. For Tomorrow 05. Time Will Come 06. Over Your Head 07. Fairy Tale 08. Blind Spell 09. Ritual 10. Sign of the Cross (Avantasia cover) (Tobias Sammet) 11. Pride 12. Eagle Fly Free (Helloween cover) (Michael Weikath) 13. Carry On (Angra cover)

 DVD 01. Ancient Winds 02. Here I Am 03. Distant Thunder 04. For Tomorrow 05. Time Will Come 06. Lisbon 07. Guitar Solo 08. Drum Solo 09. Over Your Head 10. Piano Solo 11. Fairy Tale 12. Blind Spell 13. Ritual 14. Sign of the Cross (Avantasia cover) (Tobias Sammet) 15. Pride 16. Carry On (Angra cover) 17. Eagle Fly Free (Helloween cover) (Michael Weikath) 18. Lasting Child”

 “Over Your Head” and “Fairy Tale”: Featuring Marcus Viana (electric violin). “Sign of the Cross (Avantasia cover)” and “Pride”: Featuring Tobias Sammet (vocals) and Sascha Paeth (guitar). “Eagle Fly Free (Helloween cover)”: Featuring Andi Deris (vocals) and Michael Weikath (guitar).

  Ritual (2002)   

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    01 Ancient Winds (3:17) Arranged By, Performer – Miro Composed By – Andre Matos Violin [Five String Electric Violin], Strings, Dilruba [Indian Dioruba By] – Marcus Viana

 02 Here I Am (5:59) Lyrics By – Andre Matos Music By – Andre Matos Vocals [Additional Female Vocals] – Rannveig Sigurdardóttir

 03 Distant Thunder (6:22) Lyrics By – Andre Matos Music By [Uncredited] – Hugo Mariutti

 04 For Tomorrow (6:46) Acoustic Guitar – Sascha Paeth Lyrics By – Andre Matos Music By – Ricardo Confessori Quena, Sampona, Charango, Acoustic Guitar, Bombo [Bombo Leguero By] – Ademar Farinha, Claudia Lemos Violin [Five String Electric Violin], Strings, Dilruba [Indian Dioruba By] – Marcus Viana

 05 Time Will Come (5:33) Bagpipes [Scottish Bag Pipes By] – Cristiano Bicudo, Vanessa Desiderio Lyrics By – Andre Matos Music By – Hugo Mariutti

 06 Over Your Head (6:35) Djembe [Derbak], Instruments [Dehola], Daf – George Mouzayek Keyboards, Soloist – Derek Sherinian Lyrics By – Andre Matos Music By – Luis Mariutti Violin [Five String Electric Violin], Strings, Dilruba [Indian Dioruba By] – Marcus Viana

 07 Fairy Tale (6:58) Acoustic Guitar – Sascha Paeth Flute [Baroque Flutes By] – Anette Barryman Lyrics By – Andre Matos Music By – Andre Matos Vocals [Additional Female Vocals] – Rannveig Sigurdardóttir

 08 Blind Spell (4:34) Congas, Timbales, Percussion [Cincerro], Percussion [Jam Block] – Ricardo Confessori Keyboards, Soloist – Fabio Ribeiro Lyrics By – Andre Matos Music By – Ricardo Confessori

 09 Ritual (6:36) Lyrics By – Andre Matos Music By – Andre Matos

 10 Pride Lead Guitar – Hugo Mariutti, Sascha Paeth Lead Vocals – Andre Matos, Tobias Sammet Lyrics By – Andre Matos Music By – Andre Matos

 Mastered At – Pathway Studio Mixed At – Pathway Studio Recorded At – Contato Studios Recorded At – Gate Studio, Wolfsburg Recorded At – Sonhos & Sons

 Backing Vocals [Additional Backing Vocals By] – Axel Naschke, Tobias Sammet Co-producer – Philip Colodetti Cover, Artwork [Logo Artwork By] – Marc Klinnert Cover, Concept By – Andre Matos, Rodrigo Cruz Design [Logo Design By] – Isabel de Amorim Drums – Ricardo Confessori Engineer – Philip Colodetti, Sascha Paeth Engineer [Additional Recordings Engineered By] – Evandro Lopes, Thiago Bianchi Guitar – Hugo Mariutti Keyboards [Additional Keyboards By] – Axel Naschke, Hugo Mariutti, Ricardo Confessori Keyboards, Arranged By, Programmed By – Miro Orchestra, Choir, Arranged By – Andre Matos, Miro Photography By – Thomas Kuschewski, Torsten Fengler Producer – Sascha Paeth, Shaman Producer [Additional Recordings Produced By] – Marcus Viana, Ricardo Confessori Sleeve, Design – Isabel de Amorim, Rodrigo Cruz Vocals, Piano, Keyboards – Andre Matos Written-By – Shaman

 Mesclando heavy metal, música clássica e world music, a banda deu início às gravações de seu primeiro álbum, intitulado Ritual, em janeiro de 2002. O disco foi inteiramente gravado na Alemanha, com exceção das percussões e instrumentos étnicos, totalmente captados e produzidos no Brasil. A produção ficou a cargo do renomado produtor Sascha Paeth (Angra, Edguy, Avantasia, Rhapsody, Virgo, Epica). Ritual foi bem recebido no Brasil e em todo mundo, sendo lançado em mais de 15 países. A turnê World Ritual Tour durou dois anos e meio, passando por diversos lugares do Brasil, Ásia, América Latina e Europa. Foram mais de 130 shows neste período, alguns reincidentes.

 A turnê começou no Recife em abril de 2002 e terminou em Belo Horizonte em dezembro de 2004. Em agosto de 2002, a música Fairy Tale, sétima faixa do disco, entra na trilha sonora da novela “O Beijo do Vampiro” vira sucesso e faz do Shaman a primeira banda de heavy metal brasileira a ter uma música em uma novela da Rede Globo.

 Durante o ano de 2003, o Shaman esteve nos primeiros lugares das votações da mídia especializada, e a grande surpresa foi ter seu único álbum até então lançado eleito como o melhor disco de 2002 e 2004 pelos leitores da Folha de S. Paulo , veículo o qual abrange uma gama extensa de leitores de diferentes perfis. Ainda em 2004, a banda abriu o show do Iron Maiden no estádio do Pacaembu em São Paulo para aproximadamente 45.000 pessoas. Destaque para o show realizado no Espaço das Américas (São Paulo) no Festival Rock The Planet, no dia 2 de outubro de 2004, nessa ocasião também tocaram as bandas: Viper, Kotipelto e Edguy, que foi o headliner.



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